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Anaesthesia,2016,71(7):856-857.[25] Forero M,Adhikary SD,Lopez H,et al. The erector spinae plane block:a novel analgesic technique

857-869-6888 或赞助方波城第一名记.1/15 周五1. 波士顿华埠狮子会2016年春节慈善晚会 Lions Clubs International Massachusetts


8 5 7 - 8 6 9 - 6 8 8 8 huo zan zhu fang bo cheng di yi ming ji . 1 / 1 5 zhou wu 1 . bo shi dun hua bu shi zi hui 2 0 1 6 nian chun jie ci shan wan hui L i o n s C l u b s I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a s s a c h u s e t t s . . .

849–857https://doi/10.1007/s12274-022-4744-1Tyrosine-mediated analog resistive switching for artificial neural networksMin-Kyu


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857 A/W and detectivity (D*) of 3.2*1015 Jones under 280 nm light illumination (only 95 nW·cm‒2). To the bestof our knowledge, 280

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